Resistance Band Training Guide & Workout Tips | BLK BOX
The BLK BOX Resistance Band Training Guide
Created in collaboration with Luke Worthington, the BLK BOX Resistance Band Training Guide is the ultimate companion when it comes to upgrading your fitness routine. It’s been carefully designed to elevate and enhance both your athletic performance and overall physique.
Suitable for beginners and seasoned gym-goers, the guide offers step-by-step advice to help you get the most out of each exercise. This means you’ll be able to experience all the benefits of resistance bands first-hand, helping you to change your workout routine for the better.
Why Follow a Resistance Band Workout Guide?
If you’re new to resistance bands or working out in general, BLK BOX’s guide can help you to carry out exercises with the correct form. Incorrect form can easily lead to injury, so make sure you’re staying safe by following the resistance band workout guide every step of the way.
It’s common for beginners to jump into training expecting to reap all the benefits of resistance bands immediately, but without proper foundations, progress will be difficult to achieve. Even more experienced fitness fanatics can fall into bad habits if they’ve never been shown how to correctly perform a movement.
Which Resistance Band to Buy for Your Workout
The resistance band workout guide will help you to perform exercises correctly, but which band is right for the job? Not all resistance bands do exactly the same thing, so make sure you understand the differences before making a purchase.
One of the most important things to remember is that resistance bands come in different levels and lengths. Knowing how this impacts your workout will help you to find the best resistance bands for the job.
Level of Resistance: For strength training, it’s usually better to choose a lower-level band if you’re just starting out, and a band with more resistance if your muscles are well-developed enough to cope with the extra stress. However, bands with lighter resistance are better for stretching exercises at all levels, while beginners may benefit from higher resistance bands for moves like pull-ups.
We’d always recommend having a range of bands, as your body will feel different throughout the week. One of the main benefits of resistance bands is how versatile they are, so having a starter set of four gives you even more options. But never push yourself too hard too soon. If in doubt, buy a band with less resistance and see how it works for you.
Length: Longer resistance bands are more versatile and can be used for both stretching and strength training. They can be wrapped around your body twice to reduce their length or you can tie a knot in one end.
However, mini bands can be easier to use for certain targeted exercises, like glute bridges. If you know you want your resistance bands for a wide range of workouts, start off with a traditional longer band.
What You Can Expect in the Guide
BLK BOX's resistance band workout guide will walk you through various exercises, allowing you to work out safely and effectively. Here are some examples of what you might find inside:
Dead Bugs
Start by lying on your back, trying to get as much contact as possible between your spine and the mat or floor. To do this, think about how you’d make a double chin while lifting up your belt buckle.
You can either loop the resistance band over both of your feet or secure one end on your right foot and the other around the back of your left hand.
Next, raise your arms straight up towards the ceiling while bending your legs at a 90-degree angle. Lift your legs from your hips and bend your knees to create a ‘tabletop’ shape with your shins.
Reach your left arm up above your head and extend your right leg. Make sure your spine is still in contact with the floor and doesn’t move or arch up.
Flex your foot on the extended leg by pushing your heel away and pulling your toes towards you. It should look as though you are standing on the air.
At the longest part of the movement, exhale fully and slowly return back to your starting position. Your heel should never touch the floor during the exercise.
Repeat the movement with your right arm and left leg. Continue switching sides until you’ve completed an appropriate number of repetitions. If your resistance band is looped over your arm and leg, repeat the same side several times before swapping over. Otherwise, alternate between sides during one set.

The resistance band workout guide will be complete with images just like these to help you check your form.
Single-Leg Glute Bridge
Before beginning, wrap your resistance band around your thighs. It should sit just above the knees.
Create a bridge position with your body by resting your shoulders on the edge of a chair, the sofa or your bed. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
Lift one foot off the ground and hold onto your knee with two hands while lowering your hips towards the floor. Keep your chin tucked into your chest to protect your neck.
Press your standing foot into the floor to lift your hips back up to your starting position. This should make the muscles in your buttock and back leg work hard.
Repeat the exercise on each leg for an appropriate number of repetitions.
Split Squat
Loop one end of your resistance band around one foot while the other is secured behind your head. Make sure it doesn’t pull against your neck.
Place one foot in front of the other in a lunge stance. Both feet should be pointing forwards and the band should be under your front foot.
When you kneel down, your knees should be at right angles with your back knee directly underneath you. If this isn’t the case, adjust the spacing between your feet.
Hold a weight in two hands a few inches away from your chest and distribute your weight mostly over your front leg. (Remember ‘nose over toes’.)
Take a deep breath in while driving through your front foot and pushing yourself into a lunge position. Then, rise up into a split stance.
Repeat the exercise on each leg for an appropriate number of repetitions.
Ready for Your Resistance Band Workout Guide?
It doesn’t matter where you are, whether you’re at home, at the gym or on holiday, the digital resistance band workout guide can travel with you. Designed with you in mind, it’s easy to use and will help you to perform exercises just like the ones above.
Get started by downloading a free copy today.