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Coaches Corner with Josh Williamson



What is Coaches Corner?

Each month, we will be hosting Coaches Corner, an education and networking evening at BLK BOX Headquarters. The idea behind these free workshops is to provide valuable education for athletes of all levels who want to optimise their training. This is also a great way to meet likeminded people within the industry.

The topic will vary, from Weightlifting, CrossFit, Kettlebells, Strength and Conditioning, nutrition-focused and more! We would like to encourage you to join in the conversation and help make a difference to those we coach and train alongside.

Who is Josh Williamson

Josh Williamson PhD(c), MSc, Bsc, SENr, is a performance nutritionist who specialises in body composition and athletic performance. Josh completed his Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Exercise Science before progressing to a Master's Degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition. He has recently finished his doctorate in Exercise Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Josh has worked with a range of clients from the everyday general population looking to feel more comfortable in their own skin, to athletes competing at the commonwealth games and world championships. His athletes include cyclists, powerlifters, crossfitters, rugby players, footballers, athletes from GAA, physique athletes, and many more. More recently, Josh spends his time doing public speaking events to educate coaches and athletes on the necessity of performance nutrition.

Topics to be covered:

-Why is nutrition important?

-Symptoms of poor nutrition

-Nutritional Systems

-Determinants of Nutritional Success - Adherence, Energy Balance, Macros

-Nutritional timing


-Tracking Progress