BLK BOX vs Concept 2
We were thrilled to launch the BLK BOX Rower and BLK BOX Ski Trainer earlier this year. We've had a few of you asking what's the difference between it and the Concept 2 range, so hopefully this will help you decide which option is best for you.
The first thing to say when comparing these machines is that they are without a doubt some of the best options on the market. Both are a worthwhile investment to your set-up and a great piece of equipment in any facility. Whether you are training for endurance, recovery or high-intensity, these machines will target every major muscle group and give you the ultimate workout.
So let’s take a closer look at both and highlight the key similarities and key differences.
BLK BOX Rower Vs Concept 2 Rower
Key similarities
Both products are extremely well built and perform incredibly well. They utilise air resistance with a spiral damper to modify the resistance of the stroke. The spiral damper allows you to easily adjust the airflow to the flywheel, so you can change the feel of the stroke to suit your preference.

They can both be stored easily and out of the way on their front or broken down into two pieces to save space when needed. Caster wheels on the front feet allow you to roll the machines easily into position.
In terms of displaying and analysing your workout, they both record: Pace, Watts, Watt Average, Stroke Rate, Calories, Distance, Time, Split Time, Time Average, and Heart Rate and both have a cradle to hold your phone during use. The handles are also ergonomically designed at a 10 degree bend for optimum comfort when rowing and are similar dimensions to each other.
Key differences
Whilst they generally have a similar design and shape, the monorail on BLK BOX Rower is 130mm longer than the Concept 2, making it more ergonomic for taller athletes and more friendly to high intensity functional fitness workouts.
There are 7 different length settings on the BLK BOX Rower foot rest, making it more comfortable and a more secure hold for those with larger or smaller feet. The BLK BOX Rower has a high and low handle storage option, whereas the Concept Rower has just the lower option. At 12kg heavier in weight, the BLK BOX Rower is more sturdy than the Concept Rower. In the battle of resistance, The Concept Rower offers an extra level of resistance than the BLK BOX Rower, with 10 levels on Concept and 9 on the BLK BOX Rower.
BLK BOX Ski Trainer Vs Concept 2 Ski-Erg
Key similarities
Like the rowers, both use air resistance with a spiral damper to modify the resistance of the stroke and can be easily adjusted during use. Both will track Pace, Watts, Watt Average, Stroke Rate, Calories, Distance, Time, Split Time, Time Average, and Heart Rate, giving you plenty of options for your workout.
Key differences
With the BLK BOX Ski Trainer, the wooden base is included as standard. With the Concept 2 Ski Trainer, you have two options- You can either purchase the Ski Erg or the Ski Erg with Floor Stand, depending on if you are wall mounting it or using it as free standing. Again like the rower, the BLK BOX Ski Trainer is heavier than the Concept 2 Ski-Erg, with a difference of 9kg. Finally, the BLK BOX Ski Trainer offers 9 levels of resistance, whereas the Concept 2 Ski-Erg offers an extra level of resistance. While both track similar metrics, they are programmed slightly differently and while close, are not completely comparable.
See the BLK BOX Rower and Ski Trainer in Action