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Spaces that demand performance - LeanerLife

LeanerLife, based in Hertfordshire is a prime example of a facility that caters to every athlete’s needs. With different membership options available to include gym only, class only and a VIP option to include both, there is something to suit everyone. 

Alex Pilborough and Robbie Freeman, Owners of LeanerLife had never used any BLK BOX products prior to this renovation and chose BLK BOX simply because of the high-quality equipment and was impressed with the high calibre of clients that we have worked with, including sports clubs and commercial facilities like UN1T London.

LeanerLife originally started out as a small PT and small group training facility, then scaled their model up to a more commercial venture. Their training style focuses on a Hybrid model combining the F45 style of training and CrossFit, for the ‘everyday athlete’ who may find some CrossFit lifts too complex. This model has been developed as it offers the option to switch between strength training and high intensity workouts.

Passionate about the ‘everyday athlete’ and building confidence in a group scenario, the main priority for LeanerLife was having a rig that was big enough to fit a lot of people around it at once to facilitate coaching and learning during a group class. Alex knew roughly what he wanted, so based on his initial idea, we designed a bespoke rig to cater for 15+ people during any class at the same time, whilst also maximising the space efficiently in the 220 square foot area.

Pictured above is Aaron Greig, coach at LeanerLife.

Alex and Robbie were particularly impressed with the finished product including the final powder coat, the laser cut logos and the cherry on top – LeanerLife branding on top.

The installation process took 5 days in total, including unpackaging, building and installation. Currently sitting at half of their capacity with 100 members, they have the opportunity to expand and have space for 3 more rigs so we are looking forward to working with LeanerLife again in the future.